Students online registration procedure

Students online registration procedure

Following your successful application to join Mount Kenya University, you are requested to use the procedure outlined below to register.  

  1. Have your letter of offer ready. Kindly print it from your email address If you never received it from the University admissions office.
  2. Pay fees to Mount Kenya University using M-Pesa or bank accounts listed on your letter of offer.

For M-Pesa payments follow the following Steps:

  1. Pay via Paybill number: 270988, Account number is your KCSE index number as it appears on your admission letter.
  2. Once you receive the M-Pesa payment confirmation message, click on the following link to validate your payment:
  3. Select payment type (School fees)
  4. Select a product (Mount Kenya University)
  5. Fill in your details as follows:
    1. Category (Current student)
  6. Student application reference number as indicated on your letter of offer 
    1. Click validate (Please note; your Student name will appear).
  7. Click “Next” at the bottom right corner to lead you to the next page.
  8. Confirm payment by:
    1. Key in the MPESA Reference No.
    2. Click “validate” (Please note, the details for ‘amount paid’ and ‘paid by’ will appear after validation)
    3. Key in your current mobile number and email address on the last two boxes respectively.
  9. Click on the “Submit” button on the right bottom. This will end the process of validation of your fees payment.

`           Please note:

  1. You will receive a message with your admission number within 24hours through the mobile number provided in step 7 above
  2. A receipt for payment will be sent in the email address you provided in step 7 above

C. For payments made through the banks, kindly scan and email the bank deposit slip to: (Remember to quote the Application Reference Number on your letter of offer while making payments in the bank).

You will receive an admission number within 24 hours through a text message. (e.g. BBM/2020/0000) after our finance office has validated your bank payment.

For any inquiries, please call: 0709153000 or email: