Meru Campus
At the heart of Meru town, stalwartly stands the most recent, magnificent architectural masterpiece housing Mount Kenya University Meru campus. Looking at the magnificent campus, one cannot fail to see that the Mountain has come home. The amazing ultramodern facility has ample lecture halls and a comfy and conducive environment for university learning.
Meru campus
On 18 November 2020 Mount Kenya University Meru campus donated 10,000 masks and over 650 litres of sanitizers to the county government of Meru to aid in the fight against corona pandemic. The arsenal to fight the covid -19 pandemic was handed over by the Mount Kenya university pro-Chancellor Dr. Vincent Gaitho and received by His excellence the Governor of Meru H.E Kiraitu Murungi.
The governor of Meru is a charismatic, strategic thinker who is passionate about the empowerment of the people of Meru and making the region great. In an analogy about a successful farmer who had distributed his quality seeds to all his neighbors, without the fear of them competing his produce; the Pro chancellor taught two key morals. Firstly the farmer understood that, his crops would be pollinated by his neighbors’ crops. Thus, the surest way to ensure quality produce was by ensuring that the neighbors’ crops were of high quality. The analogy above demonstrates that MKU Meru campus understands the need to have a corona free environment for it to succeed as a beacon of disseminating quality education. Secondly, the moon can always borrow light from the sun and never outshine it. Highlighting the importance of having a campus in Meru town, the pro-chancellor slogan dubbed, bringing the Mountain Home underscored that Meru is the home of Mount Kenya and as such urged the community to support Meru campus to grow.
- Meru County Goverment officials led by the Governor H.E Kiraitu Murungi receives donation from MKU to help them fight the Covid 19 pandemic
- MKU Donates sanitizers and masks to Meru County
- MKU Pro-Chancellor Dr. Vincent Gaitho shares a moment with H.E Kiraitu Murungi Governor Meru County
The Pro-chancellor’s message and university’s benevolence is a clear indicator that, MKU understands the importance of using corporate citizenship to bring positive, measurable change to both the community around Meru and its environs. The donations are meant to boost the strength of the county government of Meru in the fight against Covid -19 pandemic. Meru campus has demonstrated that institutions that use corporate citizenship to strengthen community partnerships are not only able to foster a workplace culture and deepen employee commitment, but are also able to build enduring relationships in the communities within which they do operate in, a quality that benefits both the institutions and communities alike.
Meru campus under the leadership of Campus Director, Madam Karen Mungania premiers in offering market driven courses in Education, Business, computing and informatics and community development across, evening, regular, weekend, distance learning (ODEL) and distance and institutional based learning formerly called school based mode.
Madam Karen Mungania understands that corporate community involvement programs provide institutions with a platform for showcasing products, employee competencies, and an institution’s values. It is also a way to promote networking and skill-building among employees while they are strengthening their community.