Institute of Security Studies, Justice and Ethics
Mount Kenya University is dedicated to serving our students through schools and institutes.
Institute of Security Studies, Justice and Ethics
The Institute of Security Studies, Justice and Ethics was established on 9th November 2012 to address national, regional and international needs in the field of Security, Justice, Governance and Ethics within Africa and beyond. The Institute is committed to offering essential, practical skills geared towards attaining sustainable peace, security, justice and good governance. Its core services include teaching, training, workshops and conferences through collaboration and maintaining close relationships with other institutions both locally and internationally. The Institute is currently based at Nairobi campus.
The Institute’s concept goes beyond the classroom, syllabus oriented-learning to reach out and provide stimulation for self-development and capacity for life-long education. In line with the vision of Mount Kenya University, the Institute is committed to enhance innovation and Research, Strategic Partnerships, Academic and Outreach programs. It is in this vein, with the establishment of institute for capacity building, we are liaising particularly to venture in short courses and partnerships.
To be a dynamic and leading Institute in Africa and beyond recognized for its contribution in the field of academia, research and partnerships.
To offer dynamic, relevant and market driven courses that will contribute towards enhancing national, regional and global peace and security.
Functions of the Institute
The Institute of Security Studies, Justice & Ethics will focus on four (4) thematic areas namely.
A. Teaching and training
The ISSJE is committed to the development of competent graduates who are able to operate in diverse environments and meet the challenges of the emerging global trends in the areas of peace and security.
The institute takes pride in guiding and harnessing students in their journey of expanding the frontiers of knowledge through self-development, innovation, research and engagement with stakeholders beyond the university boundaries for the betterment of humanity.
As a way of giving its graduates an edge in the job market, the ISSJE offers core and elective units that ensure that its graduates are firmly grounded in a rich base that imparts core skills and aptitudes such as critical thinking and sound reasoning, effective communication and social awareness among others.
The Institute offers a diverse range of academic programs at Postgraduate and undergraduate level; in addition ISSJE also offers various diploma and certificate courses.
Currently the ISSJE programs are being offered in Nairobi, Eldoret, Kakamega, Kisii Kitale and virtual campuses.
C. Research and publications
The Institute of Security Studies, Justice and Ethics as a research institution will undertake and encourage conducting of field research on contemporary security areas, governance, justice and ethics. The Institute will therefore carry out research and provide adequate resources to the researchers to enable them carry out effective research.
Dissemination of information and findings will be made promptly to encourage the implementation of the given recommendation by the relevant stakeholders.
Research being one of the a core areas of the specialization; the Institute will have regular publication, conferences, presentation of papers and an annual journal that will be made available to scholars in other institutions of higher learning and organizations for peer review.
D. Partnerships
Crucial to our overall goal of building an institution of academic excellence, the institute is keen on building strategic partnerships and networks. In particular, the institute will be looking at establishing exchange programs with other universities both locally and abroad with the view of sharing ideas, enhancing its capacity and broadening its knowledge base. By building a wide base of networks and collaborations, the institute aims at becoming a hub of knowledge in the field of security studies in Africa.
ISSJE will also partner with other like minded organizations at the grassroots, national, regional and international levels with the aim of promoting better societies in their areas of concern.
E. Outreach
As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the ISSJE will build a bridge between academia and the community on topical issues within our scope by reaching out to the wider society; in addition, the Institute also aims at empowering communities and building capacities through trainings, creating awareness and facilitating outreach programs especially in marginalized areas.
F. Flagship areas / uniqueness of the program
Africa has been an epicenter of conflicts and insecurity for far too long, in essence this implies that sustainable development and political development in the region are posed with serious challenges, our country Kenya has not been an exception to these challenges. The ISSJE has therefore identified unique and relevant thematic areas of study that are geared towards addressing these challenges by building a body of knowledge and offering relevant skills and training in the following key areas within the scope of our curriculum.
The institute will carry our research in the given areas; this will in essence blend theory and practice and therefore provide viable and reliable data that will aid the concerned parties and stakeholders identify sustainable solutions to the problems under investigation.
- Security studies
- Good Governance and ethics
- Democracy and its tenets
- Human rights & emerging human rights concerns
- ADR –Alternative Dispute Resolution: negotiation, mediation, arbitration.
- Transitional Justice: institutional reforms, security sector reforms, judicial reforms, truth commissions.
For further information, please contact:
Institute of Security Studies Justice& Ethics (ISSJE)
Union Towers 11th floor (Nairobi)
E mail issje@mku.ac.ke
Mount Kenya University Nairobi Campus
E mail nairobicentre@mku.ac.ke