Daniel Apolo Ochola , a Bachelor Science in Information technology student at Mount Kenya University Thika Campus will be travelling to China to participate in the “Global Huawei ICT Competition” . The student will be travelling on 22nd May  2024  where they will be representing Kenya.

The School of Computing and Informatic student emerged among the top three winners in the recently conclude Southern Africa Regional Awards  which were held on 15th March 2024 and graced by the Chief Guest Hon Dr .Ezekiel Machogu, CS Ministry of Education.

The 2023-2024 competition attracted over 6000 students in Kenya at the regional level 18 students won awards at different categories and they will b going to China for the global final, Kenya  produced more winners compared to the other 15 countries regionally.

The Huawei ICT Competition, initiated in 2015 as part of the Huawei ICT Academy is a collaborative effort to enrich the ICT talent pool by transferring the latest knowledge from a global technology leader. The 2023-2024 edition featured four distinct tracks: cloud, computing, network, and innovation, reflecting Huawei’s dedication to diverse technological fields.


Mount Kenya University equip students with both theoretical and practical education necessary for them to thrive in the competitive world.

Who is Daniel?

My name is Daniel Apolo Ochola, from the serene campus of Mount Kenya University and this is my story, a chronicle of determination, support, and technological passion that has propelled me onto the international stage.

It all began with a spark of curiosity and a drive to immerse myself in the ever-evolving world of technology. The announcement of a competition by the Huawei Talent ICT Academy, featuring tracks in cloud, computing, and networking, was a clarion call for me. The cloud track, emphasizing cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and big data, aligned perfectly with my goal to pioneer technological advancements.

Mount Kenya University has always been more than a mere educational establishment to me; it has been a cradle for my dreams. The university’s cutting-edge facilities and progressive stance on ICT education furnished the ideal environment for me to refine my skills and gear up for the contest.

The path was demanding, commencing with enrollment and independent study, succeeded by a preliminary examination in November 2023. The national examination was a fierce contest, but with the wisdom and backing from my university, encapsulated in the motto “Unlocking Infinite Possibilities”, I secured the second position among the select few chosen based on merit.

The Huawei academy representatives recognized our potential and prepared us for the regional final examination on 29th February 2024. Training at the Huawei office in Lavington for two months was an incredible experience, providing a glimpse into the professional world and allowing us to interact with industry experts.

As the regional finals approached, my team and I, forged in the spirit of camaraderie and unity that Mount Kenya University embodies, faced teams from across the Southern Africa Region. Our collective effort was rewarded with a second-place finish, just behind a formidable Nigerian team.

Now, as I stand ready to represent not only Mount Kenya University but also my country and region at the global finals in Shenzhen, China, I carry with me more than just the hopes of victory. I carry the spirit of a university that believes in the power of technology to change the world, and the conviction that we, as students, are the harbingers of that change