Mount Kenya University Dental Students Association members in partnership with Equity Afia (Makongeni branch) conducted a dental camp at chancellors Towers ground on 17th March 2023.The event themed “A healthy mouth, a healthy body” attracted students, staff and members of public from Thika. In total 140 people were screened for various dental condition , those who required procedure and further diagnosis were referred to Equity Afia.

The purpose of the dental camp was give back to the community through community service by offering free dental check -up and consultation services. All the people who were referred for advanced dental procedures were given vouchers with discounted price in Equity Afia center

Many of the people who were screened out of 140 people presented the following;

¨ Exposed dentine due to enamel erosion leading to sensitivity.

¨ Presences of cavities in the teeth.

¨ Stains and plaque on the teeth surface.

¨ Impaction of tooth.

¨ Inflamed gums due to gum disease.

¨ Malocclusions.

Different dental procedures such masking, bleaching, Orthodontic treatment, disimpaction, Tooth filling, root canal, on lays and direct fillings, Scaling as were recommended to patients. In general, members of the public were educated about best dental practices such:

  1. Fluoride rinses,
  2. improving dental hygiene,
  3. use of topical antiseptics i.e. menthol
  4. adopt right tooth brushing technique
  5. Use of correct toothbrush and toothpaste.
  6. Eating healthy diet and intakes of vitamins.
  7. Avoid very hot beverages and smoking
  8. Fluorosis.

Photo Speak.

MKU Dental Camp

Article contributors:

1. Aliya Ali Club- Club Chairperson

2. Masphine Juma- Club Secretary General

Photo Copyright: MKU Dental Association