Foundation for Success

Foundation for Success

By Prof. Deogratius JAGANYI, Vice-Chancellor Mount Kenya University

Opening Remarks

Today, I am not only glad to welcome our new students to Mount Kenya University, but I am also glad that I am addressing the first group of students at Mount Kenya University.

On behalf of the University Senate, I congratulate each one of you on qualifying to pursue university studies at Mount Kenya University.  At Mount Kenya University (MKU), we believe in “Unlocking infinite possibilities”. MKU is a quality driven institution of higher learning and students at MKU are assured of success so long as one works hard. It is, therefore, critical to you as a student to understand your academic environment.  I am aware that you have all gone through processes of orientation at different levels which is an important exercise, for it helps new students to understand the University environment in respect to governance, regulations, policies and procedures governing teaching, learning and examination processes among others.  I am also aware that you have began learning and you now have an experience of learning in the University.

Foundation for Success

Ladies and gentlemen, my address is entitled “Foundation for Success”.  I will begin by giving an illustration I read somewhere of a hammer, a nail and a piece of wood. A hammer is good when it hits the nail with the necessary force. A nail is good when it withstands the hammering force without bending. A piece of wood endures the forceful penetration of the nail without cracking or breaking.  When the process is complete, a hammer, a nail and a piece of wood produce a pretty piece of artwork.  As you pursue your education at MKU, regardless of whether you be a hammer, a nail or a piece of wood, you need to lay a foundation that will produce a pretty piece of artwork.


First, I will start by asking the question, “What is a foundation?”

The simple meaning of a foundation is the ground work for anything.  If I use an example of a building, the foundation is the structure below the surface of the ground that support a building.  The foundation require reinforcement to prevent the house from sinking to the ground.  I echo the words of Gordon Hinckley

“You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation.  You must have a solid foundation if you are going to have a strong superstructure”.

Foundation to Success

Ladies and gentlemen, away from the building, let me speak about foundations of success, and in this context, success in your career aspirations. You have joined MKU to pursue your career aspirations with an expectation to succeed.  Remember, success is a journey or a process whose main target is to upgrade yourself.  I urge you to aspire to acquire traits of successful people and learn how to have them in your character. 

Wacuka Stephen (2017) outlines the traits of successful people as:


This is a strong will power that will push you to go an extra mile to achieve your goal. Indeed, you can only become great, if you have the desire for being great.  You must be passionate about succeeding in your education.

Believing in yourself

When you believe in your capacity, you generate confidence and this leads you to success.  I am sure you remember Barrack Obama’s slogan of “yes we can”.  But here, you need to say “yes I can”.  This is a testifying to yourself that you do believe in yourself and hence you will have to make it.  In which ever programme you have enrolled for, you will succeed. 

At this point, ladies and gentlemen, let me remind you that it is good to set a goal that goes beyond 1st degree to Master Degree to Ph.D, if you belief in yourself because this is possible.


A strategy is a plan of action or an intelligent plan that one can use to help them get the desired results.  You need to have a strategy. Look at your programme requirements, plan your resources that will enable you to succeed in your education.  The University has provided academic resources for various programmes, so it is upon you to choose the level of utilization.  Time is a major resource; plan your time well.  Learn not to be derailed, focus on implementation of your strategies.  

Clarity of Values

Value is a plan of action that is designed to achieve a goal.  Value actually denotes the degree of importance of any action that you take in life.  If you want to succeed in your studies, you need to have idea of what is important to you.  Do not allow yourself to regret at the end of your course because of actions you took that did not align with your main objective of you being in MKU.  Let your studies take the centre stage of your stay in MKU.

Bonding power

You need ability to connect with your fellow students, staff etc.  Learn to get into the world of your colleagues since you have a common bond and you will be surprised by how much you can gain from them in your studies.  Reach out to your lecturers and you will benefit from their mentorship.  Bonding give strength to the pillars of your life.

Ladies and gentlemen, Shiv Khera, (2011) emphasizes that ethics and conscience are key in one’s foundation of success.  Ethics and conscience go together.  Ethics, is the ability to differentiate right from wrong. If you have clear values they will reflect ethical decisions that you make in your life.  Actually, Khera (2011) describes conscience as “a direction prior to an action. It acts not just as a guide but also as a brake”.  Before you take an action, ask yourself, is it ethical?, what does my conscience tell me?


Ladies and gentlemen, I will conclude by resonating the words of Shiv Khera (2011) that says “if during the formative years time is misspent, the chances are that it has been lost forever.  There is no compensation for the time lost in one’s youth”.  I urge you all, spend your time well right from the foundation of your university education to the end of your course.  Set your priorities right, learn to plan in advance and be focused.  Along the way, evaluate your progress and make improvements where necessary. 

Finally, no body promised us an easy life, but you have to perform your best even when things are tough.  Focus on your goals. Never dream of success, you must work for it because success will never come to you.  It is my belief that you will find your stay at MKU exciting and fruitful.  I wish you success.

May the Lord the bless you.